
Melissa Hodgman

Associate Director
Division of Enforcement, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Melissa R. Hodgman is currently an Associate Director in the Commission’s Division of Enforcement.

Ms. Hodgman has been Associate Director in the Home Office since October 2016. She has investigated and led teams pursuing and litigating numerous enforcement actions covering the spectrum of securities law violations, including matters related to financial fraud and disclosure; broker-dealers, investment advisers, and gatekeepers; offering frauds, market structure, and manipulation; and cross-border and FCPA violations. The notable cases to which Ms. Hodgman has contributed include:

Ms. Hodgman has also played key roles in numerous Commission initiatives, including the creation and leadership of the Division’s Covid-19 Steering Committee and overseeing the Division’s Financial Reporting and Audit Group. She has been a leader in the Division’s diversity and inclusion work during her career, including as the head of the Division’s Hiring Committee, Executive Sponsor of the agency’s Women’s Committee, and as a member of the Division’s Labor and Management Forum at both the local and national levels.

Ms. Hodgman began working in the Enforcement Division in 2008 as a staff attorney. She joined the Market Abuse Unit in 2010 and was promoted to Assistant Director in 2012. She received the Ellen B. Ross Award, the 2010 SEC Chairman’s Award, the 2017 Arthur F. Mathews Award, and the 2020 Chairman’s Award for Excellence with the SEC’s Employee Affinity Groups, as well as a number of Division Director Awards.

Ms. Hodgman earned her Master of Laws with distinction in securities and financial regulation in 2007 from Georgetown University Law Center, her law degree with high honors from Georgetown University Law Center in 1994, and her Bachelor of Science degree from Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in 1990. Before joining the SEC staff, she worked as an associate at Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy in Washington, D.C.

Melissa Hodgman will be speaking at:


2024/10/15 14:35 - 15:35

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